
Learn Joy Systems and its affiliated companies is the company at the heart of Learn Joy Systemss.

This privacy notice sets out how Learn Joy Systems collects and uses information about you when you use our products and services (“services”) and why we collect certain personal data. This notice also explains the choices that you can make about the way that we use your information.

Your privacy protection is important to us. This is why we have adopted the following pivotal legislation: EU’s General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”), UK General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”) and the California Consumer Privacy Act 2018 (“CCPA”). This privacy notice relates to all personal data we process and addresses the legislation mentioned.

‘Personal data’, in this privacy notice, means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’). An identifiable natural person is someone who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Why we collect your personal data

We are sensitive to your privacy concerns, and are committed to letting you know what Information is being collected on Our Web site, how the Information is being used and what choices you have regarding the collection and use of the Information. Please take a moment to review this Privacy Policy and you can contact us by click here

How we collect personal data

Here we give you examples of ways that you interact with us and the resulting data we may collect!

Learn Joy Systems collects personal data from you when you interact with us. This can be through our websites, over the phone, in person, including, without limitation, when you:

Gather you information while selecting package;

  • Request support;
  • Request information or materials;
  • Make a purchase through our shop or register products;
  • Submit questions or comments;
How we use personal data

Here we let you know what happens if we need to engage others to assist us to service your needs. If we do engage others we have set how we ensure your data is kept safe.

We may need to pass your personal data on to third-party service providers contracted to Learn Joy Systems in the course of dealing with you. We do this because there are services, such as our video conferencing facility, which will not work unless we are able to make these transfers. Any third parties we share your data with are obliged to keep your personal data secure and use it only for necessary service delivery. When your data is no longer required to fulfil the service, those third parties will be directed to dispose of your data in accordance with our standard procedures.

We seek to enter into Data Processing Agreements with our third party service providers to ensure they only process your data as instructed by us. If you obtain products or services directly from us on behalf of others we will ensure you enter into a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with us. You will also need to enter into a DPA with your students/employees/customers when using our systems. An example of our DPA is available on our website.

How we store personal data

Here we outline our processes for data storage, how we will protect your data and keep it only for as long as needed!

We will process (collect, store and use) the information you provide in a manner compatible with GDPR. We maintain physical, organisational and technical safeguards for all personal data we hold. We will endeavour to keep your information accurate and up to date, and not keep it for longer than is necessary. We are required to retain certain information in accordance with the law, such as information needed for income tax and audit purposes. How long certain kinds of personal data should be kept are governed by specific business sector requirements and agreed practices. Personal data can be held in addition to these periods depending on individual business needs.

We will process different forms of personal data for as long as it is necessary and proportionate for the purpose for which it has been supplied and we will store the personal data for the shortest amount of time possible, taking into account legal and service requirements.


We love to share, but you can opt out and we will not sell your information!

We have no interest in collecting any data beyond that needed to ensure our services work for you. If you are going to be contacted by us for marketing purposes, we will not rely solely on this privacy notice. We will endeavour to seek your consent appropriately. Learn Joy Systems does not sell data, and has no intentions in doing so in the future.

Children and Personal Data

Let’s keep our children safe!

Here at Learn Joy Systems we understand the importance of protecting the personal data of children under the age of 16. It is not our intention to collect personal data from a child. If you believe that a child has disclosed personal data or that we hold personal information about a child, please email us at privacy@Learn Joy Systems.com.


Before we action a request we need to ensure it is from you.

Before we action a personal data request we need to verify your identity. We accept a request made through your personal Learn Joy Systems account while you are logged in. We sometimes require additional information such as a colour copy of your passport, driving licence or national ID card.

How to contact us

We love feedback, reach out to us!

If you have any questions about our privacy notice, please contact us via our Contact Page or by

Email: info@learnjoysystems.com

Call: +1-571-365-0393

Regular Mail: info@learnjoysystems.com